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Tawheed And Jihad Is The Solution

Perhaps we would never believe that Indonesia is a country where the life comes from the sweats of the country men but is enslaved from abroad, and what is more  unbelievable is that, it is a country in which the Islamic ummah is the biggest in the world, but is the third biggest producer of corruptions.

A country which they say that when you plug the tree into the ground, it would produce fruits to be eaten by its people, but everywhere, we could easily see  people dying of starvation, where the metaphor is “like a chicken dying in its  barn”. We can also see shiny cars that cost over billions of Rupiah, milling about in the middle of the streets amidst the begging hands of the beggars and the carts of the street scavengers.

Not long ago, a class III A officer of DITJEN (Directorate General) of Taxation was found to have 25 billions in his savings, compare it with the average income of the Indonesian citizens who work laboriously but still have insufficient food to eat. That was only his savings, not including his other properties which are not possible to be acquired through “normal” jobs alone.

Not to mention the octopuses behind Gayus who was allegedly involving many top officials of this country, have their conscience been death? That they keep on committing tyranny by taking the money that the citizens paid to the State. As if the citizens are dairy cows who are easy to fool and their properties taken 
anytime through very despicable ways.

Of course it is true that in life there is richness and poverty, and this is already outlined to maintain the balance of nature, but the poverty in this country is very unnatural and beyond the sense of humanity. Because, if managed in the right and honest ways, this country would be very rich in various potentials that Allah SWT has bestowed.

This has made many people, who still have conscience in them especially from amongst the Muslims of course, want to fix this damaged country, a part of them are entering into the damaged system with a reason of wanting to improve it from within and another party remain outside to waken the society regarding the ills of the system adopted by the rulers of today.

Maybe some of us are confused, what kind of step is effective in fixing this country, entering into the system or remaining outside the system, this continues to become a never-ending and very tiring debates amongst the ummah.

If only we want to learn and read a little of how Rasulullah conducted da'wah, we would not have been that confused and easily stuck with the situation that occurred. There are three points in the struggle to change the system without having to immitate the kafirs.

First is the planting of the Aqeedah, perhaps the first time Rasulullah conducted da'wah he would have accepted the offer of power from the mushrik people of Makkah, because with power he could minimize casualties, properties and in fact could even save his own life from the harassment of the kafir, in fact after having power he could spread Islam easily, since all the systems and kafir apparatuses of Makkah could be controlled by him then, but the offer that seemed advantageous to the Muslims was rejected outright by him.

Because, Rasulullah truly understood that when we want to change a system, it is not necessary that we must be in power first, but by implanting in his followers a strong aqeedah, as power without being founded upon iman on the owners of the world powers would only make that power itself weak.

Because, it is not definite that every one who took shelter under the rule that he would have just received, would straight away, without the implanting of aqeedah, accept a new system that was very different and opposite to what was already being embraced by the society at that time.

Second is Tarbiyyah, in this case, tarbiyyah is not something incorrectly understood by the majority of the Islamic ummah, the tarbiyyah that only becomes the hangout place of a jama’ah, spreading the agendas of the winning party, and the socialization of the candidate leaders in the secular government. The tarbiyyah that we mean is a concentrated education, fully and thoroughly implemented without any other objective except to provide the true understanding of tawheed, tarbiyyah is an implementation from the da'wah of tawheed itself.

So that the ummah understand that the system being embraced by most mankind today is a system of kufr, that could make the Islamic ummah further from their own religion, instead of making the society covered and distant from the understanding of the true tawheed.

Third is Jihad, jihad will be accomplished when the understanding of the Islamic ummah on tawheed is accomplished and they obtain comprehensive educations about the true tawheed, because from that tawheed, an understanding would emerge that the current system is wrong and failing to bring mankind towards justice and prosperity, thus the Islamic ummah would consciously seize that power from the hands of the kafirs in order to implement the Shari'ah of Allah and become the mercy to all the worlds.

"And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah altogether and everywhere; but if they cease, verily Allah doth see all that they do." [QS. Al Anfal :39]. 


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