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Indonesia frees the perpetrator of smuggling people

TWO alleged people smuggling kingpins set to be extradited to Australia have been released from prison in Indonesia, a move that has raised questions about co-operation between the countries on people smuggling.

The decision to release Sajjad Hussain Noor and Amanullah Rezaie is understood to have angered and perplexed Australia as it gives the men the opportunity to continue involvement in human trafficking.

While both are technically still subject to extradition proceedings, they will now be able to flee Indonesia and avoid facing justice in Australia, where each could face a 20-year prison term for their alleged activities.

The unravelling of the case comes as the federal government continues to face political heat about asylum seekers arriving by boat. This year, the number has topped 6000, a record. A spokeswoman for the Minister for Home Affairs, Brendan O'Connor, refused to criticise Indonesia but confirmed the release of the men.

Mr Amanullah was released in July and Mr Sajjad last month.

''The question of whether a person who is the subject of extradition proceedings is kept in custody is a matter for the country where the person was arrested,'' the spokeswoman said. ''As these matters are under consideration by Indonesian authorities, it would not be appropriate for me to comment further.''

What prompted the release remains uncertain as Indonesian police and immigration officials declined to talk on the record. But both men are known to have considerable financial resources and Indonesian police have been beset by scandals involving the release of prisoners for payment.

Mr Sajjad, an ethnic Hazara from Afghanistan, was arrested in May last year in a joint operation by Indonesia and the Australian Federal Police.

He has denied being a people smuggler but police say he was a ''major'' player.

Mr Amanullah, also from Afghanistan, was arrested in 2008 and described by Indonesian authorities as an alleged ''broker'' and ''middle man'' in people smuggling for more than a decade.

Only one people smuggler has been successfully extradited to Australia, Hadi Ahmadi. He received a 7½ year sentence.

Another significant people smuggler, Abraham Louhenapessy, known as Captain Bram, escaped a prison term this year despite being caught on board a boat ferrying more than 200 Tamils to Australia.


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