A forensic pathologist said on Wednesday that an examination of the body of the terrorist mastermind Noordin M Top, who was killed during a raid in Central Java last month, indicated that he had been sodomized at some point in his life."There is an anomaly in Noordin's anus because it is shaped like a funnel," said Mun'im Idris, a forensic pathologist from the University of Indonesia. "It indicated that somebody had sodomized him."Mun'im was part of the team of experts that conducted the autopsy on the body of Noordin, a Malaysian-born terrorist sought for a string of attacks carried out across the country in the name of Islam. It is unclear why Mun'im released the information.
Badaruddin Ismail, a spokesman for Noordin's family in Malaysia, told the Jakarta Globe that he accepted the allegation but insisted it remained unclear as to when the sodomy took place when he was a child or as an adult. "I don't know about his private life so I cannot comment more," he said.Other media outlets that carried the story on Wednesday, speculated on Noordin's "sexual deviance" because of the anomaly. Homosexuality, though not against the law in the country, remain unacceptable among the nation's mainstream religious communities.The comments from Mun'im are likely to spark anger among some extremist members of the Muslim community that supported Noordin and his supporters.
Separately, National Police spokesman Nanan Soekarna said he had no information about the allegations."I haven't received the report about the anomaly on Noordin's body because it is not a part of the investigation, " Nanan said, adding the information would not affect the investigation.Nanan also said that the family could collect the remains of the terrorist on Thursday."Noordin's body can be collected by his family on Thursday because we have wrapped up the investigation, " he said, adding the family would come to the headquarters in the morning and they would go to Kramat Jati Hospital with officers from the National Police in the afternoon. Badaruddin said the family was expected to claim the body on Friday.