Police are still studying the possibility that a terrorist network was involved in last Friday`s attack on Horale village by people of neighboring Saleman village, Central Maluku District, a spokesman said. Four people were killed and tens of houses and public and social facilities were burnt during the incident, Maluku Police`s chief information officer Adjunct Senior Commissioner J. Huwae said on Tuesday."Based on the results of direct observations at the location of the clash , police are now studying such a possibility, " he said.Maluku Police Chief Brig Gen Mohammad Guntur Ariyadi on Monday visited the location. Huwae further said judging by the conditions st the location and based on exhibits collected, the attack was carried out in a systematic way and by trained people.He added the results of the preliminary investigation would be made public on May 7.Police had so far questioned 27 people over the incident and seven of them had been named suspects in the case, he added.People in the two villages also fought each other in a border dispute in 2006, Huwae said.
Three short years after his death, Indonesia's dictator Suharto has been nominated to a shortlist to be designated a "National Hero." The final decision rests with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. and any honors will likely be announced on November 10, Heroes’ Day. President Obama is scheduled to visit Indonesia around that date. After Suharto died in January 2008, Indonesia's former dictator General Suharto has died in bed and not in jail, escaping justice for his numerous crimes in East Timor and throughout the Indonesian archipelago. One of the worst mass murderers of the 20th century, his death tolls still shock... We cannot forget that the United States government consistently supported Suharto and his regime. As the corpses piled up after his coup and darkness descended on Indonesia, his cheerleaders in the U.S. welcomed the "gleam of light in Asia." In the pursuit of realpolitik, U.S. administration a...