Three prisoners on death row for the Bali bombing asked for a judicial review (PK) again. This time, the judicial review is being submitted to head of the Batu penitentiary, Nusakambangan, Central Java."Amrozi, Imam Samudra, and Muklas have signed the PK documents and given them to the staff of penitentiary, " said Achmad Michdan, attorney for the prisoners.
"This is to optimize the judicial effort for Amrozi and his friends."Michdan explained the review submission through the head of the penitentiary is possible as the head is like "a father" for the prisoners asking for a judicial review for "his children". To date, it is the third judicial review submitted by these prisoners. On August 2007, the Supreme Court (MA) refused their judicial review. They submitted another proposal for a review in early 2008, but the Amrozi side canceled both.Michdan said MA did not examine the judicial review thoroughly.
The first review was rejected without examination. "There was no report on that review," he said.The head of the Batu penitentiary Sudiyanto acknowledged the attorney team for Amrozi "It is their right to submit a judicial review," he said. However, Sudiyanto has not received it.