The "Cendana" family will not resume Soeharto's case if Soeharto passes away. "Legally, it will automatically be cancelled," said Soeharto's lawyer, Juan Felix Tampubolon in Pertamina Central Hospital in Jakarta (18/1).
This is as long as there is no conclusive legal decision. "That's the way of a civil case," he said. "So the court must determine whether the civil case is accepted or not," said Juan.He also emphasized that there is no legal evidence regarding the flow of state funds and assets to Supersemar Foundation. "So there's no obligation whatsoever," he stressed.
In terms of a win-win solution offered by Attorney General Hendarman Supandji, Tampubolon only said he did not understand.Tampubolon also said so far there is not any strong evidence for this case. Soeharto's family welcomed all legal solutions the government proposed. "But it must be without any condition," said Tampubolon. Because, he said, without a condition there is a solution.