The Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI) said Al-Qiyadah al-Islamiyah, which first appeared in 2000, is a misleading sect. The decision was taken after MUI researched the organization for the last three months."Up to 2006, this sect wasn't brave enough to appear. But starting in 2007, they bluntly spread their lessons to the public," MUI Chairman, K.H. Ma'ruf, told the press yesterday (4/10).
For a sect that is only seven years old, he viewed, its progress is rapid. The structure is in order and the leaders easily attract public sympathy. Al-Qiyadah's leader, Ahmad Moshaddeq, whose real name is Haji Salam, said he was an apostle since July 23, 2007 after ascetic meditation for 40 days and nights in Bunder Mount, Bogor, West Java.
"They even changed Islam to existing apostle or prophet after Muhammad, that is Masih Al-Mau'ud," said Ma'ruf.For gaining devotees, according to Ma'ruf, Ahmad promised rewards of a motorcycle for those who can recruit 40 new members and a car for 70 members. This sect managed to add about a thousand new members every month.The sect has been spread in all major cities in Indonesia, including West Sumatra, East Java, Yogyakarta, Batam and Sulawesi.The research team's head, Utang Ranuwijaya, said that in spreading the sect, Al-Qidayah divided it in six phases: sirrun (secret), jahrun (inclusive), hijrah (migrating), qital (war), futuh (winning) and khilafah (leader). They also have leadership structures after the apostle, hawariyun, siraj, and thariq. " Uniqely, there is a level, then another level," said Utang.
So far MUI acknowledged it has not yet been able to obtain any data on Haji Salam a.k.a. Ahmad Moshaddeq. Ma'ruf said MUI is still studying it. The council, he said, submits this matter to the police to be prosecuted with a criminal charge of defaming religion. "The public mustn't take the law into their own hands. What's important is be cautious," he said.
For a sect that is only seven years old, he viewed, its progress is rapid. The structure is in order and the leaders easily attract public sympathy. Al-Qiyadah's leader, Ahmad Moshaddeq, whose real name is Haji Salam, said he was an apostle since July 23, 2007 after ascetic meditation for 40 days and nights in Bunder Mount, Bogor, West Java.
"They even changed Islam to existing apostle or prophet after Muhammad, that is Masih Al-Mau'ud," said Ma'ruf.For gaining devotees, according to Ma'ruf, Ahmad promised rewards of a motorcycle for those who can recruit 40 new members and a car for 70 members. This sect managed to add about a thousand new members every month.The sect has been spread in all major cities in Indonesia, including West Sumatra, East Java, Yogyakarta, Batam and Sulawesi.The research team's head, Utang Ranuwijaya, said that in spreading the sect, Al-Qidayah divided it in six phases: sirrun (secret), jahrun (inclusive), hijrah (migrating), qital (war), futuh (winning) and khilafah (leader). They also have leadership structures after the apostle, hawariyun, siraj, and thariq. " Uniqely, there is a level, then another level," said Utang.
So far MUI acknowledged it has not yet been able to obtain any data on Haji Salam a.k.a. Ahmad Moshaddeq. Ma'ruf said MUI is still studying it. The council, he said, submits this matter to the police to be prosecuted with a criminal charge of defaming religion. "The public mustn't take the law into their own hands. What's important is be cautious," he said.
Mesias has come !!!
Al Qiadah Al Islamiyah for universe