Indonesia has no shortage of self-appointed guardians of morality, men like Tifatul Sembiring, the minister of communication and information technology who has been a vigorous proponent of the harshly restrictive 2008 anti-pornography law. So when a lawmaker and member of the rigid Islam-based Properous Justice Party (PKS) that Tifatul used to chair was photographed Friday in the chambers of the House of Representatives downloading and viewing pornography on his tablet computer, the action elicited howls of laughter, outrage and scorn nationwide. The case underscores an ongoing cultural war here between hardliners who want to impose their vision of morality on Indonesia and the nation's pervasive ethic of pluralism and tolerance. Score this one for the live-and-let- live camp. Online commentators, twitter feeds and chat rooms exploded, comparing the case of Arifinto, a little-known PKS lawmaker, and his tablet with the high-profile prosecution earlier this year of p...