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Showing posts from November, 2008

Standing Up for Human Rights by Restricting Military Assistance

John, let me quote these tagline I posted here early this year regarding East Timor (surely to Papua issue as weel), and be glad when you find it deep in your heart there should be peaceful and win-win action for the foundation of all action ETAN and Djamin, Bush or Obama, TNI or NGO's, Wiranto or Usman - people might pick up soon after reading your letter. Here they are :------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------Let those bond by God's hand, not be separated by trades, naturalresources, greeds and guns.Let those bond by one coastline, not be separated by walls of manmade.------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- -------- If you are agree with the tagline, believe me, that I will 100 percent stand by you both in mind and soul, and I will do any efforts necessary to make the fight echoes round the globe.As long as you find that "those" mentioned on the tagline above STANDS FOR our beloved NKRI, even greater than that. Try to love this co...

Involve society in AIDS discussion

What are the government, society and NGOs doing to prevent and eradicate an AIDS epidemic? It is important to raise this question because official reports are showing that from year to year, the number of AIDS carriers continues to increase.Society is often criticized as being responsible for the slow progress in preventing/combatin g the deadly disease because they often stigmatize HIV positive people as being immoral. But is the allegation reasonable enough?If we look at the practice of AIDS alleviation programs in Indonesia, and probably in many "developing" countries, AIDS activities rarely involve the general communities, such as housewives, the traders across the street, school teachers and students. The program often limits itself to a small number of NGO workers or individuals. This exclusive group propagates alien jargon and terminology without having done proper studies and taken the effort to root these terms in local cultures.People outside the targeted groups of ...

Eyes and Ears

A workshop on Methadone Maintenance Therapy (MMT) was held inJakarta, Indonesia on 17 September 2008 with the support of the Gerbang Foundation and Family Health Indonesia (FHI). Representatives from 12 Jakarta methadone clinics, NGOs, donoragencies, the Department of Health and people taking methadoneattended the workshop to discuss ways of improving the effectivenessof methadone programs. Dr Dien Ernawaty, head of a sub-directorate of the Department ofHealth, said during the workshop's first presentation that 2240 casesof HIV had been found among injection drug users (IDUs) in the city. According to Ernawaty, drug abuse prevention programs, supply anddemand reduction efforts, harm reduction and HIV and AIDS preventionprojects were government priorities under the Public Policy of Harmreduction. The increasing size of the IDU community along with increasedpressure on methadone treatment centres and high levels of stigma anddiscrimination were just some of the issues that needed to ...