Muslim leaders have thrown their weight behind the government's recent crackdown on militants in Poso, Central Sulawesi, suspected of fomenting sectarian conflicts in the region.State Islamic University rector and scholar Komaruddin Hidayat said the government should not hold back against militants who mingled with civilians, using them as human shields. "This is the time enforce our laws against those who hijacked Islam and used it to pursue their own agenda. As a result, the image of Islam has been tarnished," Komaruddin told The Jakarta Post on Sunday. Komaruddin was one of several Islamic figures invited Saturday by Vice President Jusuf Kalla to discuss the conflict in Poso. Also invited was the deputy chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama, Rozy Munir, former Muhammadiyah chairman Ahmad Syafii Maarif, Prosperous Justice Party president Tifatul Sembiring, Crescent Star Party chairman and Forestry Minister M.S. Ka'ban, Indonesian Ulema Council chairman Ahmad Midan and the for...